Miraka Milk Processing Plant Taupo
This design and build project was awarded in two phases, the first, Fire Protection Services to the Drier and Dry Store, and the second being the Fire Water Supplies to this green field site.
The project entailed the scoping, detailed design, supply, installation and commissioning of the Fire Water Pumps, underground Fire Hydrants, Fire Sprinkler, Fire Alarm and Fire Hose Reel systems to the new dryer and dry store storage facility.
Fire Solutions worked with all parties during the construction phase including but not limited to detailing and defining the site’s needs, working with the various authorities on system approvals, full design, installation, and system certification on completion by third party representatives. All of this achieved without incident to the full satisfaction of all parties involved.
Our company continues to be associated with the site with on-going routine maintenance of the systems installed as required by the relevant NZ codes together with providing engineering advise to the plant owners and operators on Fire Protection matters.
Contract Value $600,000 Completed Aug 2011