Fonterra Lichfield
Located in Waikato this project entailed over an 18 month period complete Fire Protection Services to various buildings to the expansion of Fonterras existing site. Fire Solutions provided design and build services to the following buildings:
Boiler House
12 level Drier Tower
Dry Store and Packaging Complex totalling 38,000 sq m
Fire Water Pumps for the Primary and Secondary Fire Water Supplies
Workshop and canteen extensions
Tanker Reception buildings
These design and build contracts, with both the clients engineer and the various main contractors included Fire Sprinkler Systems both conventional and pre-action, Addressable Fire Alarms with supplementary smoke detection and Very Early Warning Smoke Detection (Vesda), Internal Hydrant Riser Systems, Fire Hose Reels and Fire Extinguishers.
All of the above being carried out by our in-house design, project management, construction/installation and commissioning teams.
Contract Value $ 4,900,000 Completion Aug 2016